Lord of the Rings would have been a letdown if, in Return of the King, the hobbit was eaten by a giant spider, ending the trilogy.
Adventure! (circa 1986)
Back then, an adventure was a dungeon map, illustrating hallways, rooms, doors, monsters, treasure, and traps. Brief descriptions and monster stats with arrows pointing to a little symbol on the map.
Traveller Post-Catastrophe Campaign
The majority of available technology was rendered unusable and the methods used to manufacture high tech devices was lost. Star maps, blueprints, legal agreements, classified security info, and encyclopedic databases were void of information or possibly outright fabrications.
The initial uprising took slightly longer than thirteen earth-days. The ongoing battles and effects would continue to be felt for decades.
RPG Thoughts
5) Critical failures (fumbles) suck because no one thinks that an experienced warrior should ever drop his weapon and trip over it. Mages should not stun themselves into next week when casting a simple spell that they normally cast over and over. Expert snipers should not shoot themselves in the foot when attempting to shoot an enemy at long range.
Traveller - Galaxy Recon Force
Recon teams must follow standard Imperial law. This is not because of bias towards the Imperium, but instead because these laws are static, unlike Confederation laws which vary from world to world. Mission directives will never require actions in violation of these laws.
Yes, you have to follow all of the laws to the letter. But, if mission success is in peril...well, you gotta break some eggs to make an omelet.
R.P.G. Act I (2005)
Benjamin: Also, you're carrying a quiver with sixty regular arrows, twenty silver arrows, and twenty plus five arrows. In addition, of course, to the Long Sword of the High Elven Fire Lord.
Tony: It's a magical sword!
Benjamin: So? Doesn't mean that it has no weight.
Sega: My guy's Elvish. He might have helped crafting the sword.
Scott: If it had no weight, it really wouldn't be able to cut through anything, I would think.
Tony: But...the blade is sheathed in flames. That's what causes the majority of the damage.