I've noticed that in every Elder Scrolls game, I've played the same character - Human (Imperial) Rogue-like, with emphasis on sneaking around, picking locks, and shooting a bow. So, in Skyrim, I wanted to try something else and went with a Dunmer and started placing emphasis on one-handed weapons and elemental attack spells. (Since you don't really select a specific set of skills, but instead gain ability by just using these skills.) So, what happened? I ended up with a character that was mediocre with elemental spells, and one-handed weapons, while awesome with bow, sneak, and picking locks. Somehow, I just drifted into this.
It started innocently enough - Oh I can just use this bow to hit them with the soul snaring ability, then finish them off with a sword or spell. Oh, look at this, bracers that add +20% to bow damage. Hmmm. Oh, and I'm not going to use sneak everywhere - of course I'm going to sneak around when I enter a cave full of vampires, makes sense of course. And if I'm infiltrating an abandoned castle full of bandits. And some Dwemmer ruins. And the catacombs in the city. And the city at night. And the very room that I've rented for the night. *Sigh.*
So, after a two month break from Skyrim, I started back up with a new character. This time it's Brenton and I'm concentrating on two-handed weapons, heavy armor, and Conjuring, so I can summon the hot chick. (Literally.) I diversed a little with the one-handed weapons, but I dual-wield them, so I still don't have to deal with a shield.
So, you may ask "What do you do when a dragon attacks?"
Answer: Run around with a sword, swinging at the sky like an idiot.
Sometimes the Flame Atronarch can get it's attention with a fireball and it lands, allowing me to jack it up. But, it's usually me running and hiding behind things while it does a fire breath strafe. Once, a dragon attacked me in Morthal and I ducked into a house for cover and to regain my bearings, then I went back out once I finally decided to spend a perk on Destruction spells so I can cast shock on it. It had already left and all of the guards were dead. Good job..."Dragonslayer".