"Immortality," he answered. The thing that grants wishes nods it's head and smiles.
"Are you certain?"
"Yes, I want to live forever. Until the end of time." He was adamant.
"Oh..." started the bringer of wishes, "You'll live far beyond that. Immortality is...eternity." And with a single wave of his gloved hand, unending life.
The undying one was born in the age of bronze. And with his wish granted, he saw the age of iron. He lived in the rule of kings and queens, through ages of steam and steel. Machinery brought to life with oil and later electricity. Into an age of information and beyond into an era of exploration. He traveled the stars, first by craft, later by energy beams. And until all his kind were gone, the last fallen on a world far from where he began.
All the worlds available to him would incinerate as their stars expand and burn away. But he would not die. As the expansion continued, he would float through the colorless void of space. Unable to live, but unable to die, he watched all the light and color dissipate. Leaving only a featureless void. And then there was no more. He was at the end of time. And just like the giver of wishes told him eons ago, he lived on.
But the universe is unending. And this darkness would not be forever. The universe had died a cold death, but with all this loss, it started to collapse.
It would take uncountable years to pull all the nothing back to where it all began. Undying, he retreated with it into a singular point. And then, as it did before, the universe exploded into existence. And he was there. Not as a single man, but as an entity. He was now part of all the cosmos. Unable to smile, he still had emotion.
He would be everywhere. In everything. Forever.